LEDs is saving money


Not only do LEDs save money, but they also save energy.

That is, since LEDs don’t require much energy unlike other metal halide or fluorescent fixtures. LED lights are much lower in wattage but have a higher lumen count!

For example, one of our customers, Scott, purchased a bunch of 4FT LED tubes from us and gave us some feedback on his electricity bill:

“My average electric bill in the summer was about $500 a month. By switching over to the energy efficient LEDs that don’t put out nearly as much heat as the old fluorescents with ballasts, my bill dropped down to $189 a month! I was tickled pink with the new electric bill,” said Scott.

That’s more than a 60% savings, not only because of the huge wattage reduction from the lights, but also because his air conditioning didn’t have to work as hard because the LEDs put out very little heat. All lighting sources produce heat, but heat LED light sources are the coolest-operating of the lighting technologies. That’s why going LED could mean significant savings in cooling costs. Less heat produced from lights equals to less work on the air conditioning units.

Matthew Drennon, Assistant Director of Maintenance & Facility Operations at Union WELL Inc. also noticed a huge bill drop with our 120W Ultra- High Lumen LED High Bays.

"Typically, we see an increase from the March to April billing cycle of about $1,500 over the last five years. Last year after implementation from March to April we saw a decrease of $3,000,” said Matthew.

How much can YOU save with LED lighting?

You can easily find the answer by using our energy savings calculator. By plugging in your current fixture info and your future LED info, we calculate your savings!

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